So here they are the Grey's Files.
6. My Father The Hero [DVD] [1994]
Kicking us of on the campaign is one of many films that Katherine Heigl doesn't like to mention, why? Because she was only 15/16 when she made it and men kept telling her she was hot. Although I agree in principal that that is pervy, if you haven't seen the film then I have to tell you that it was kind of the point of the film. Dad (Gerard Depardieu) takes his daughter on holiday, she pretends to be older to attract a guy and tells him that her Dad is actually her lover. It's a very risqué film in that way for being a family movie, needless to say she is supposed to be hot. I was like 12/13 when I saw it so I was allowed to think she was hot at the time.
This is a funny film, probably a little out of touch with today, but for 1994 it was a decent movie, all I can say as I have kids now, fathers and daughters and what we wouldn't do for them. I have fond memories of this film, it had a lot of funny parts to it, none funnier than an entire ballroom of strangers assuming that Gerard's character is some kind of paedophile (unbeknown to him) and he chooses to entertain them all with a rendition of the song Thank Heaven for Little Girls
5. Catch Me If You Can
I resisted this film for so long as I had a general dislike for DiCaprio and I thought the film would make Tom Hanks look like a bumbling buffoon, but it didn't, it was actually a clever and well told movie detailing the deceptions of young Frank Abagnale Jr. Ellen Pompeo plays one of a string of women to fall into the clutches of this young con man, the film features a surprising amount of well known actresses relevant right now, including Jennifer Garner, Amy Adams and Elizabeth Banks.
Tom Hanks is the FBI man pioneering the fight against cheque and money fraud which was still in it's infancy when this was set and young Frank was a genius at learning new ways to cheat the system. If you didn't enjoy the film you weren't trying hard enough or paying attention, this was a good movie, I am glad I found my way to it eventually.
4. Sweet Home Alabama [DVD] [2002]
McDreamy was his dreamy self again in this Rom-com featuring Reese Whitherspoon and Josh Lucas, Patrick Dempsey proposes in the poshest way possible to his girlfriend Melanie (Whitherspoon) and of course she accepts. One slight issue remains, she never did quite get divorced from her childhood sweetheart, so off she goes, the former country girl turned city slicker back home in Alabama trying to get her seemingly stuck in the past ex-partner to give her what she wants whilst being tackled by a number of colourful characters that she grew up around and you hope could never exist in the real world.
This film is not ground-breaking, neither is it especially original, but it is fun, if you like Reese you will like this film, if you have ever went back to see people you grew up with and found that they hadn't changed you will like this film. If you a are a sucker for a good rom-com then you will like this film. I recommend it, but then again I am a Reese fan.
3. Under Siege 2: Dark Territory [DVD] [1995]
We are back with Katherine Heigl for more of her teenage exploits, this time she plays niece to everyone's favourite ex Navy Seal Casey Ryback (Steven Seagal). So what's it about? You will be surprised to know terrorists take over the train that he is travelling on with his niece and are using it as a moving target whilst they take over the US most powerful new weapon. A train full of armed hostiles, an evil genius at the helm and Casey's niece has been taken hostage, there is only way this situation can turn out.
Overall a decent film, not as good as the first one (I realise we are grading on a sliding scale) but I think this was due mainly to the villain lacking the personality of Tommy Lee Jones. The Heigl didn't do a bad job in the film showing that she was a promising young actress. If you like over the top 90's action movies then you will find some enjoyment in this film, I like it but won't go out of my way to put it on.
2. The Ringer
The Heigl is back for the third time on our list in this potentially diabolical film with Johnny Knoxville. Knoxville owes some money and decides to win it back by knobbling the Special Olympics by faking a disability and competing with the intention of winning. I'm sure there is no more contemptible an activity that someone could carry out for money. Heigl portrays the character of a support worker who is helping the competitors and becomes a distraction for the con-man.
I was really worried about this film as knowing the types of pranks that Knoxville is known for I didn't want to see him point fun at the mentally disadvantaged, but that isn't what happened at all, in fact this ended up being quite a heart warming film, showing that you should never under-estimate someone just because they weren't given the same opportunities as you. I really liked the film, I was impressed with the way the subject was handled and thought they did it well.
Favourite line in the movie; 'When the Fuck did we get ice-cream?'
1. Old School
Ellen Pompeo takes the top spot as the love interest of Luke Wilson in this middle aged frat comedy, about three men who embrace their youth too much when Mitch takes on a new house inside the college zoning, meaning the only way he can keep it is to turn it into a fraternity. With the like of Vince Vaughn and Will Ferrell this was always going to get out of hand, but no one is really prepared for what it may cost them.
It does not require much in the way of brains to watch and understand this film, but that is part of what I love about it, it doen't take itself too seriously and it is fun, rude, sad, stupid and inspiring all at the same time. You will not lose anything by not watching this film but you may just laugh a lot if you do. Who says you have to be young to make new friends, these guys show how to make a new family. I can certainly recommend it and as a note, the Dan Band version of Total Eclipse of the Heart is brilliant.
There we have it, that's my list, some good films on this one too and the cast of Grey's were a lot more involved in making it so. There may be hope after all that TV stars can make good movies.